Gitanjali and Beyond Issue 1: Tagore and Spirituality

When we established the Scottish Centre of Tagore Studies (ScoTs) at Edinburgh Napier University in November 2011, the idea was to rely on Rabindranath Tagore as a representative of India’s modern consciousness and create a platform not only for educational and cultural collaboration between British and Indian institutions, scholars, researchers and artists,but with the world, to take forward the message of Rabindranath’s internationalism.

ScoTs now has a website which has been developed as a hub for Tagore Studies and may be viewed at ScoTs is a research centre welcoming scholars to work/write on Rabindranath and his circle which is global. It has established a Distinguished Lecture Series, organises seminars, conferences, film festivals, curates exhibitions, has an excellent library and has started an International Tagore Network through its website.

While its various activities have expanded, making it a vibrant academic and cultural centre, it has been working on establishing its own international peer reviewed ejournal with two sections


Issue 1 – Autumn 2016

Download Issue 1



Foreword by Bashabi Fraser vii



Introduction: Spirituality Beyond Religion by Christine Kupfer



Transnationalist Spirituality of Rabindranath Tagore by Ashim Dutta 1
Câm lặng (silence) in Receptions of Rabindranath Tagore in Colonial Vietnam by Chi Pham 23
Education, Visual Art and Cultural Revival: Tagore, Geddes, Nivedita, and Coomaraswamy by Murdo Macdonald 39
Atmosphere in Education: Tagore and the Phenomenology of Spheres by Christine Kupfer 59
Tagore’s School and Methodology: Classrooms Without Walls by Tom Kane 83
Humanist Spirituality and Poetry: Rabindranath Tagore and George Herbert by Kitty Scoular Datta 103
Tagore in Czech Literary Translation: Interpretation and Gender Analysis by Blanka Knotkova 119
Understanding Rabindranath Tagore’s Spirituality as Deep Ecology, Deep Anthropology and Political Theology by Chris Marsh 135

Creative Writing

Three Paintings by Debjani Chatterjee 159
Chitrangada by Anjana Basu 169
Five Iona Poems by Hannah Lavery 177
The Spirit of South East England by Ronnie Goodyer 185
Three Gardens by LesleyMay Miller 191
Poetry by Subodh Sarkar by Jaydeep Sarangi 197
Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore by Shawkat Hussain 203
Extracts from Plays by Tagore by Nigel Planer 215



Speaking Trees by LesleyMay Miller 229
Reading Rain by Rebeca Gómez Triana 233
Journey in Time & Space: Visual Archives of Rabindranath Tagore by Samit Das 239
Stillness and Occurrence by David Williams 247


Book Reviews

The Other Side of Tagore by Elizaveta Ilves 277
The Ontological Wall by Bishnupada Ray 281
Commemorating and Reviving Tagore by Christine Marsh 285

